Terms and Conditions
LPC, GDL and SQE course applicants
Fair processing notice
All information received in electronic means for processing by the Central Applications Board Online Application System (LawCAB) will be processed in accordance with the documented purposes as defined below.
By submitting your application you agree to CAB processing the data within the application on behalf of the course providers.
You declare that the information given in the application is true, complete and accurate and no data requested has been omitted.
You consent to the processing of the application by CAB to the course providers and the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and the use of the information contained within the form to be used for statistical analysis.
You agree that a copy of the application may also be retained by all parties for official use and reference.
Further information about the way in which CAB will use submitted data and regulate access to it, is set out below, and users should read and understand this before using LawCAB.
All information will be managed in accordance with the data protection principles set out in c.2 of the Data Protection Act 2018 and listed below.
- Personal data shall be processed fairly, lawfully, and transparently.
- Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
- Personal data shall be collected for specific, relevant and legitimate purposes which is not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which it is processed.
- Personal data shall be collected in an adequate, relevant and limited manner in accordance with what is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data is processed.
- Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date with every reasonable step taken to ensure inaccurate personal data, with regard to the purposes for which the data is processed, is erased or rectified as soon as practicably possible.
- Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
- Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
- Personal data which permits identification of data subjects shall be stored for no longer than is necessary to fulfil the purpose or purposes for which the personal data is obtained, and where such data is archived to fulfil statistical purposes and other legal obligations incumbent upon CAB technical and organisation measures will be taken to ensure that the data is stored safely in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of data subjects.
- Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
- Personal data shall not be transferred outside of the UK, unless you nominate a referee who resides outside of the UK, and in this instance CAB shall take no responsibility.
Application fee
Applicants for LPC, GDL and SQE preparation courses are required to pay a £30.00 application fee. Without payment the form will not be processed. This includes applicants who have obtained training contracts, bursaries, or scholarships.
The application fee is payable from the payment section of the form through a link to Stripe secure online payment processing. Payment of the fee is separate from submission of the form and it is therefore important that after the payment has been successfully made, you return to the form and go to the ‘submit’ section to check you have completed all the sections of the form, confirm that you have read the CAB Privacy Policy before formally submitting your form.
Where a reference is needed, your form will not released to your selected institutions until the reference has been submitted by your nominated referee. If a reference is not required, your form will be automatically released to the institutions as soon as it has been submitted.
If your application fee payment is being made by someone else such as a parent or guardian, please ensure that they are fully aware of what the payment is for and the name of the payee (Central Applications Board Ltd). Any payments which are subsequently disputed will result in applications being automatically withdrawn until the payment dispute is resolved and/or payment is reinstated.
Refund Policy: Applicants have the right to cancel forms and request the fee is refunded if they contact the Central Applications Board Ltd (CAB) within 14 days of the payment being received, providing your form has not been completed and released to your selected institutions.
If your form has not yet been released, you are within the 14 day refund period and you wish to cancel your application, please email payments@lawcabs.ac.uk giving the full name entered on the application together with the payment ID and applicant ID. On receipt CAB will arrange for the refund to be made and for the application to be removed from the system.
Contact by course providers
Following submission of your application, you may be contacted by course providers to invite you to open days or other events related to the course to which you have applied.
You may also be contacted if they have any queries regarding your application form, such contact does not constitute an offer of a place nor imply that an offer will be made.
Privacy and security statement
Users should note the following features of the Central Applications Board Online Application System (LawCAB) with regard to its security, the nature of information collected by LawCAB and the basis on which information collected through LawCAB will or may be shared with third parties.
LawCAB is only accessible to users who have been issued with a login username and password by CAB. Users will be restricted to accessing information associated with their reason for accessing LawCAB; these roles are as follows:
- an applicant – access to their own application forms;
- a referee – access only to the reference request section of the applicant's application form where the applicant has identified the referee as being requested to provide a reference for them;
- an institution user – access to application forms where the applicant has stated a choice for attending their institution;
- a LawCAB administrator – access to all information contained within LawCAB.
LawCAB records the following personal data of users accessing the system:
- the data they have personally entered in to LawCAB / have had entered on their behalf
- a record of their last login date and time.
LawCAB logs the IP address of the user, as this is automatically recognised by the web server.
Technical requirements
We aim to extend the use of the Central Applications Board Online Application System (LawCAB) to as wide an audience as possible. However, in order to introduce more advanced features and improve the user experience, there are some restrictions on the browsers supported.
Javascript: Client scripting must be enabled.
Screen Resolution: CAB is best viewed in resolutions of 1024x768 upwards.
CILEX Graduate Qualification applicants
Fair processing notice
All information received in electronic means for processing by the Central Applications Board Online Application System (LawCAB) will be processed in accordance with the documented purposes as defined below.
By submitting your application you agree to CAB processing the data within the application on behalf of CILEX.
You declare that the information given in the application is true, complete and accurate and no data requested has been omitted.
You consent to the processing of the application by CAB to CILEX and the use of the information contained within the form to be used for statistical analysis.
You agree that a copy of the application may also be retained by all parties for official use and reference.
Further information about the way in which CAB will use submitted data and regulate access to it, is set out below, and users should read and understand this before using LawCAB.
All information will be managed in accordance with the data protection principles set out in c.2 of the Data Protection Act 2018 and listed below.
1. Personal data shall be processed fairly, lawfully, and transparently.
2. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
3. Personal data shall be collected for specific, relevant and legitimate purposes which is not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which it is processed.
4. Personal data shall be collected in an adequate, relevant and limited manner in accordance with what is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the data is processed.
5. Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date with every reasonable step taken to ensure inaccurate personal data, with regard to the purposes for which the data is processed, is erased or rectified as soon as practicably possible.
6. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
7. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
8. Personal data which permits identification of data subjects shall be stored for no longer than is necessary to fulfil the purpose or purposes for which the personal data is obtained, and where such data is archived to fulfil statistical purposes and other legal obligations incumbent upon CAB technical and organisation measures will be taken to ensure that the data is stored safely in order to safeguard the rights and freedoms of data subjects.
9. Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
10. Personal data shall not be transferred outside of the UK, unless you nominate a referee who resides outside of the UK, and in this instance CAB shall take no responsibility.
Application fee
Applicants for the CILEX Graduate Qualification are required to pay a £30.00 application fee. Without payment the form will not be processed. This includes applicants who have obtained training contracts, bursaries, or scholarships. The application fee is non-refundable from the point at which the application has been submitted.
The application fee is payable through a link to Stripe secure online payment processing. Payment of the fee is separate from submission of the form and it is therefore important that after the payment has been successfully made, you return to your form to submit your application. If your application fee payment is being made by someone else such as an employer, parent or guardian, please ensure that they are fully aware of what the payment is for and the name of the payee (Central Applications Board Ltd). Any payments which are subsequently disputed will result in applications being automatically withdrawn until the payment dispute is resolved and/or payment is reinstated.
Refund Policy: You have the right to request the fee is refunded if you contact applications@lawcabs.ac.uk within 14 days of the payment being received, providing you have not submitted your form. Once your form has been submitted by you, we will begin processing your application and no refund will be issued.
Contact by course providers
Following submission of your application, you may be contacted by CAB on behalf of CILEX in relation to the course for which you have applied.
You may also be contacted if we have any queries regarding your application form. Such contact does not constitute an offer of a place nor imply that an offer will be made.
Privacy and security statement
Users should note the following features of the Central Applications Board Online Application System (LawCAB) with regard to its security, the nature of information collected by LawCAB and the basis on which information collected through LawCAB will or may be shared with third parties.
LawCAB is only accessible to users who have been issued with a login username and password by CAB. Users will be restricted to accessing information associated with their reason for accessing LawCAB; these roles are as follows:
- an applicant – access to their own application forms;
- a referee – access only to the reference request section of the applicant's application form where the applicant has identified the referee as being requested to provide a reference for them;
- an institution user – access to application forms where the applicant has stated a choice for attending their institution;
- a LawCAB administrator – access to all information contained within LawCAB.
LawCAB records the following personal data of users accessing the system:
- the data they have personally entered in to LawCAB / have had entered on their behalf
- a record of their last login date and time.
LawCAB logs the IP address of the user, as this is automatically recognised by the web server.
Technical requirements
We aim to extend the use of the Central Applications Board Online Application System (LawCAB) to as wide an audience as possible. However, in order to introduce more advanced features and improve the user experience, there are some restrictions on the browsers supported.
Javascript: Client scripting must be enabled.
Screen Resolution: CAB is best viewed in resolutions of 1024x768 upwards.